Feel Again — Thru Money, Power, Love

The Mysterious Manuscript

     I remember sitting on a bench in a beautiful garden. My mom had died unexpectedly a few days before. Still in shock over her sudden loss, I was grieving terribly. My wife was home with our two young children.

     I put my hands on my head and leaned forward, as would a person who is crying. But I was quiet.

     As I leaned forward, I saw a faded manuscript with aged paper under the bench where I was sitting. I leaned down further and pulled it up.

     Strangely, when I picked up that large, faded manuscript, the emotional pain that enveloped me seemed to ease up.

     I opened the mysterious manuscript. I was in no emotional state to start reading, but I glanced at the bold headings throughout it. I could not remember what I read, but I was feeling better. I got up to leave. I looked forward to being with my wife and kids.

     Over the next three weeks, some wonderful changes came over my life. Although I was in no mood to celebrate anything, I could not help notice how my income had suddenly tripled as I began closing lucrative deals at work with incredible ease, and a couple old investments I had almost forgotten about soared. Even a two-dollar lottery ticket I bought with my young daughter to try and cheer us up won! Everyone was really nice to me — even those who had no idea my mom had just passed away. Out of the blue, interesting men and women struck up conversations and talked to me. I began to ask myself, what’s all this? What’s different about me now?

     Well, my mom had just died, and I was still grieving. I knew that could not be behind this string of unusual happenings. But what else was different about me?

     Then, I remembered the old manuscript from the garden. I went to my car and found the manuscript on the floor. The cover was badly faded by the sun, but I could barely make out the words Society across the front. I had forgotten completely what I had seen inside it.

     When I wrapped my hand around the spine of that manuscript to pick it up, I felt a huge burden flow out of my body and, at the exact same instance, I felt exhilaration flow into my body, filling the space previously occupied by the burden.

     “Wow,” I remember thinking, “this old manuscript must be the source behind my unexplainable good luck and charm.”

     I opened it right there on the driveway and began to read. In a metaphysical way, I felt as though my mom was no longer gone from my life. Maybe, I thought, just maybe this manuscript is her gift to me.

     One section within this book told an amazing story about twelve children who grew up to become very wealthy and successful. The story told how their wealth and success were attained. All these children also grew up to be great lovers. This book told the story of how their amazing love relationships were attained.

     As I read the amazing stories, I felt as though the greatest secrets to money, power, and love were being told to me.

     It did not take long to read through the whole manuscript. What happened to me next was unbelievable, BUT TRUE!

     The next day, everything I looked at seemed to give me omniscient powers. I turned on the television and for every sporting event on the tube, I accurately predicted who would win. I picked five stocks I had a good feeling about. All five shot up for weeks.

     I decided to go to Las Vegas and play some poker — I’m not sure why, but I just wanted to. For the first time, I came home a huge winner.

     That night I looked up into the night sky and told my mom that I knew she had brought me this gift. As I thanked her, I saw the first “falling star” I had ever seen in my life.

     When I walked into my house and looked at my one-and-a-half year old boy and five-year-old daughter, I felt so much love for them I was overcome with tears.

     “Your grandma is looking over you,” I said softly.

     The old, faded manuscript I read a few days before was an interpretation of a book written 2000 years ago. I’ve since come to realize these were the secrets every extremely lucky and famous person throughout history used. This book contained the most well-guarded secrets in over 2000 years!

     This manuscript watches over me and fills my life with wealth, happiness, and love. It will do the same for you — you will know it is working when twelve very major good things happen to you within 72 hours after receiving it.

     Some of the good things that immediately happened to me were:

  • My wife got pregnant with the third child we wanted but seemed unable to conceive.
  • Asthma ceased to torment my daughter — just vanished from her childhood.
  • I slimmed down to a slim person, never to gain it back.
  • I went from struggling financially to a wealthy man with one immediate turn.
  • All the negativity, all at once, left my life, never to return.
  • I fell madly in love with my wife all over again, and our passion has not waned since.
  • I went from being a social introvert to being the most popular and likeable man in our community.
  • Almost overnight, everything about me and my confusing life became clear for the first time. Now, I have a clear vision, steady focus, and a deep harmony and fulfillment.
  • I am the person I was meant to be, living the life I was meant to live. I’m very, very happy.
  • I live in a four-million-dollar custom-built mansion.
  • I drive an $185,000 luxury import.
  • I vacation with my family ALL FIRST CLASS.
  • My children are in the most expensive private school.
  • I almost never step foot in my office. Instead, I do whatever I want all day.

     I could go on, but you get the idea. The fact that all this good happens very, very quickly is no exaggeration. Remember, I had just flipped through the manuscript in the garden and could not even remember the headings I had glanced at when very good things started happening to me.

     Here is why, as I now realize, so much good happens so quickly: Inside the 2000-year-old secrets are hidden messages with secret meanings that even I am not aware of, which pass into the reader with certain powers that have evolved over a hundred generations for the past two millennia. I think some of those secret meanings are hidden in the bold headings themselves. So, when a reader takes just ten minutes, as I did, glancing over the chapter headings and subheadings, he or she absorbs some of the ancient secret powers.

     That makes perfect sense, for a manuscript that contains the two-thousand-year-old secrets to wealth, power, and love used exclusively by the rich, powerful and famous…therein such a manuscript lies the most evolved competitive advantages, shortcuts, and powers.

     Those secret powers evolved for two thousand years. Of course, we will not understand them all, but we will absorb them through this manuscript. They are the timeless ancient powers preserved for all time in this manuscript.

     You will believe those powers exist and pass into you within three days of receiving the manuscript. Like me, out of the blue, even after just glancing through the headings, very good things will start happening to you — immediately.

     If you’re single you’ll meet and fall in love with the woman or man of your dreams.

     If you’re poor, you’ll stumble upon the opportunity of a lifetime and onto the path of wealth and riches.

     If you’re sickly, you’ll suddenly make a turn toward health and vitality.

     If you’re meek and cowardly, you’ll suddenly become strong and in control.

     If you’re depressed or unhappy…this manuscript will be your Shangri-La.

     Now, here is perhaps the most amazing aspect of this manuscript, the most phenomenal of its powers: I actually believe it cures aging. I know, at first, that sounds incredible. But, I see the evidence.

     It is true and the evidence is in this amazing manuscript.  And its Greatest Secrets are yours for FREE.

     I felt as though this was a very special gift my mom led me to — my own life-force. The physical manuscript itself had a powerful effect on me every time I held it, which I never wanted to lose. With it, there was so much love and prosperity in my life — money flowing into my bank account and a lot of love flowing into my life from others, even from strangers, especially from loved ones…and from me to my wife and kids. I did not want to let it go.

     One afternoon, in the middle of the week, I sat in a Burger King having burgers and fries with my wife and kids. (I did not have to sit in an office all day anymore. I now enjoyed a free life-style.) I noticed a man and his son a few booths away. How nice, I thought, seeing a dad and his boy out together. The boy was probably eight or nine years old.

     As my family was eating, suddenly we heard a man’s overwhelming loud voice shouting and then a child’s tiny voice shriek, “No!”

     I looked up and saw the same man a few booths away with one arm around the boy’s neck and the other arm, fist clinched, pointed at his boy’s face. The boy was crying and his dad yelled, “Shut up. SHUT UP!”

     I was in disbelief. He was a split second away from punching his frightened son, point blank in the face!

     What happened next came to me from a power beyond myself. I jumped off my chair with my manuscript in my hand. (I carried it with me wherever I went, always.) As I rushed to the booth, I thought I was going to smash the abusive man in the head. His brute attack on his helpless son enraged me, for I felt so much love for my children, I could not bear what I saw before me.

     My wife saw the look in my eyes and shouted at me, “Don’t do it!” as I ran to the man’s booth.

     Here is where some cosmic power took over. With my left hand, I grabbed his right hand that was clinched and pointed at his boy’s head, and I pulled it back. With my other hand that was holding my manuscript, I thrust the manuscript against his fist.

     “Take it!” I shouted.

     Reluctantly, but beyond his own will, he slowly opened his fist and accepted the old manuscript. Then I heard myself make the two-word command: “OPEN IT!”

     He did. When he did, his reaction took my breath away. I stood back and watched:

     His eyes widened as he glanced over the Chapter Headings in the Table of Contents. I knew some of the hidden messages were entering his mind along with the immense love.

     His body relaxed, and he slid his other arm from around his son’s neck and put it against the back of the manuscript. For about five minutes, he flipped through the whole manuscript as I had done that day in the garden.

     Then, he dropped his gaze to the floor for a minute and shook his head. In a heart rending moment, he turned toward his son, who immediately flinched.

     “I’m so, so sorry,” his dad said from somewhere very deep in his soul, and then he leaned over and hugged his son. “Oh Jason, I’m so, so sorry.”

      The boy could not believe what was happening. I could see the love, for the first time, rushing up from this man and flowing into his boy.

     When the dad began to weep, his boy hugged him back and said, “It’s okay, Dad.” That made his dad cry even more.

      When he sat up and looked his son in the eyes, his boy smiled. He knew deep inside that the abuse was over, forever.

      His father spoke softly, “I’ve been under so much pressure since being let go…”

      That’s when I knew this was a sign from my mother that this family needed my special manuscript.

     “Not anymore,” I said. “Those pressures will vanish with this manuscript. Your financial problems are over.”

     Father and son looked up at me with relief and gratefulness.

      “You keep this for a few days and read it,” I said to the dad. “The rest of your life and his will be full of wealth and love.”

      They were both speechless and sat in disbelief. But I knew I could completely trust him with the manuscript. So I pulled out my card and slipped it into the manuscript.

     “Call me when you’re done,” I said. He did not have any words to say. He smiled at me and nodded. My family and I finished our lunch, my kids and wife asking me a hundred questions I did not quite know how to answer.

      A few days later, the man whom I found out was named John, called me and said, “I don’t know what’s happening, but I got hired in the highest paying job in my life, and I feel as though it’s only the beginning. In everything I do, I feel incredibly lucky. I’m on some kind of winning streak or something. What’s in this manuscript?”

     “Some kind of ancient powers,” I said seriously. “You cannot lose.”

      There was a pause over the phone, then he said, “And I also spend all my spare time now with my boy. I look forward to coming home to him now.”

      “It’s the love of our ancestors coming through the manuscript,” I said, not fully sure of what I meant.

     The next morning, he returned the manuscript. As he handed the old manuscript to me, he said, “I owe you my life.”

     “This manuscript can save lives,” I heard myself saying. “It can save marriages, save families, save one’s sanity. It can make homeless people become rich people. It can lift a person, a family out of poverty or depression and into prosperity.”

     “I agree,” he muttered. The way he clutched the manuscript just before handing it back over to me, like a child not wanting to let go of his favorite stuffed animal when mom thinks it’s time to give it away, got my attention. When he was leaving, the look on his face was obvious: he did not want to part with the manuscript. It was an enormous positive force in his life, like his own real live lucky charm.

     Now, three years later, my life is like a fantasy. I live in a 13,000-square-foot mansion that I had custom built. I live in the same neighborhood with movie stars, television stars, the highest paid sports stars, and wealthy business owners. Since I found that manuscript three years ago, I don’t think my wife or I have aged, which amazes us and our friends. Needless to say, I have become wealthy, and I have found true love and happiness.  All the missing pieces in my life have been found and snapped into place. That longing for “something more” in life no longer exists for me, for I have everything now.

     And I feel I did a great thing when I brought that manuscript to a man in dire need. I am reminded of my good deed every time my good friend John visits, and I look into his son’s happy eyes.




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