Staying Young & Beautiful

The Secret Formula

To Extraordinary Health & Eternal Youth!

     The multi-billionaire Tech Giants such as Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Oracle’s founder Larry Ellison, Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg, PayPal’s co-founder Peter Theil, eBay’s founder Pierre Omidyar, and many other rich billionaires pour hundreds of millions into research to cure aging and death.  Here on this website (and in a free gift we will send you) we have the secret formula to eternal youth and beauty.  Today you will tap into this secret formula to eternal youth.  Relive your youth with passionate romance, endless energy, amazing lovemaking… and bring this secret to others!  Vastly improve and save lives!  Relive youth, romance, staying power.  Learn the Secret Formula to immortality inside this exclusive website.  Discover The Secret Formula To Eternal Youth!  See here the secret formula to curing aging and death.  Live longer…make love longer.  Read every word!

The Richest Men in the World

Why The Founders of Google, PayPal, Oracle, Facebook, eBay

Spend Hundreds of Millions To Live Forever

     The multi-billionaires — Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Peter Thiel, Larry Ellison, Mark Zuckerberg, Pierre Omidyar, Jeff Bezos — are pouring hundreds of millions into anti-aging research.

     One very large hundred-million-dollar research project uncovered something startling, as follows: Massive increases in personal wealth could be the missing link to immortality.  It turns out that a major component to curing aging is radically raising the personal wealth of ordinary people, which raises their desire and demand for longer and longer life.  Now that explains why the richest men in the world are so aggressively trying to buy immortality.

     After four decades, that hundred-million-dollar research project unearthed the wealth secret that can bring about the radical raise to the ordinary person’s income, which dramatically boosts one’s desire to live forever and provides that ordinary person with the money to live carefree and forever.  (That wealth secret will be sent to you as our FREE gift.)

     Indeed, with plenty of money you will sustain a much longer life!

     With boatloads of money, we’ll live an extra 20, 30, or even 40 years longer than expected.  Maybe even live…forever, just as the multi-billionaires desire more than anything.  They are spending hundreds of millions to cure aging.  Why?  Because they have the very same highly-guarded secret that we will send you free of charge as our gift.

     People laughed when we said we were going to land a man on the moon.  Then we did it.  The expert engineers said that my partner and I could not cantilever a glass bridge over the edge of the Grand Canyon.  Then we did it (I am the co-founder of the Grand Canyon Skywalk).  You see, things just seem impossible until somebody comes along and actually does it.

     We’ve put this wealth-for-the-ordinary-person breakthrough course (which leads the way to the aging cure) in a free gift for you.  We’ve spent four decades in a massive research and development project funded by over one-hundred million dollars making this breakthrough.  Now, we are ready to show you the secrets to eternal wealth and youth.  This is the wealth breakthrough prominent billionaires have enjoyed and its non-aging consequences they have been searching for…the founders of Google, Facebook, eBay, PayPal, Oracle.

Unearthing the Wealth-Secret Breakthrough

     The real reason ordinary people don’t want to live beyond their life expectancy is lack of money, blocking their desire and ability to stay young.  The ‘wealth secret’ puts big money in your lap to really enjoy life and never want to let it go — never — just like today’s billionaires!  Wealth puts one on the path to long life…and we will give that gift to you for free!

     Do you think eternal wealth and youth are impossible?  But what if they’re not.  What if everything I say is true and you don’t ever have to grow poor and old?  It’d be the most amazing, profound, fantastic thing that could ever happen to you, wouldn’t it? 

Wealth and Immortality Go Hand In Hand

     Our breakthrough, four decades and over a hundred-million-dollars in the making, unfolds and solves the age-old mystery-marriage of wealth and non-aging.  You will know the secret formula to curing aging within minutes of receiving our free gift! 

     You will then be on the path that cures financial depression and romantic dissatisfaction…lifting you off the path of drab stagnation/death and placing you on the path of pure exhilaration/life!  These ancillary cures are all needed to desire and design a greatly lengthened wealthy and romantic life!  Now, with this breakthrough, it can happen to you!  Read every word!

The Rich Life

The Richest Billionaires Want Eternal Life

And Soon You Will Too!

     Remember…billionaires today aggressively pursue immortality.  They are rich and therefore want to live forever.  Among them are the Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, Oracle founder Larry Ellison, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, eBay founder Pierre Omidyar to name just a few of the billionaires who declared war on aging and death.  They meet in secret.  They spend hundreds of millions hoping to live forever.  Why does this common thread run through so many billionaires?   You now know the answer:  Because having a lot of money and success and the creativity that goes with it motivates their human desire for life — for much more of it!  Wouldn’t you want their wealth and creativity?  And wouldn’t you want to live much, much longer with their billions and their exhilarating creativity?  The fact that the uber-rich love life underscores our conclusive research that curing stagnation and igniting creativity and wealth are integral components to curing aging.  Getting creative and wealthy are a MUST…like the billionaires.  And a driving component of our free gift to you is to make you creative and rich!

     Armed with this power to become creative and rich, the ordinary person becomes extraordinary.  YOU will become extraordinary!  Lives change a full 180 degrees overnight after receiving our free gift.  Like so many recipients, you can go on to gain incredible wealth, intense romance, and tidal waves of good fortune.  Imagine for a moment your own personal transformation into an extraordinary, wealthy person of power and influence!

Think About It: Become Rich and Never Ever Grow Old!

     This breakthrough is life-changing in the deepest, most profound way.  As we gain wealth, we regain our youth…once again become strong, powerful, and vibrant.  And wealthy.

     Decades pass and, if nothing changes, we now just grow old, financially strapped and die.  But we can change all that through the free gift we will send you.

     We never again need be pushed to the sidelines of life as a mere spectator or pushed aside by the slings of misfortune.  Laugh, play, make love over and over again like a teenager, and run circles around people half your age.  People much younger will be attracted to you and your money!  You will be a player again.

     Embrace life again, grasp it with energy and delight.  I am not just talking about being young at heart, but young in body and mind, too.  For years and years to come, living it up with the joy and freedom of wealth…like today’s billionaires!  Get our gift today!  It is free for a very limited window!

     To stay eternally young and wealthy has been the dream of you and me and everyone who has ever lived since the dawn of mankind.  But it is an empty dream and somewhat meaningless without first the secret to making major money.  Billionaires own that secret to making major money and are therefore now pouring hundreds of millions into anti-aging research.  They never want to give it up!  And why should they?  They have it all!  And now, so can you!

     As science inches closer and closer to new anti-aging discoveries, the intriguing non-aging possibility has always been in the back of our minds, hasn’t it?  And for those making MAJOR MONEY, the possibility is in the forefront of their minds…Peter Theil, Larry Ellison, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg to name a few.

     After all, getting tired and wrinkly, becoming feeble and sick and poor  — who wants that?  Self-preservation is our #1 instinct.  Above all, we are hard-wired to survive, to prosper and cling to life and extend it as long as possible!

     That’s exactly what the ultra-rich billionaires crave: the gift of time (filled with joy and bountiful wealth).  Imagine…doing anything you want, anytime you want.  Remember, like the richest billionaires, you need wealth to make this really work, and making you wealthy is a driving component of the free gift we will send you. 

     If you’ve ever felt there’s just not enough money, this breakthrough puts you on the path to all the money you could ever want.  I’m talking about having money for comfortably extending our lives to 120, 150 and more (doubling, tripling, ten-folding our wealth).  And to do so with youthful energy and vigor…and youthful sex, too! 

     This is priceless information that not only can eradicate poverty and aging, but can put you on a path towards total health and financial freedom the likes of which you can’t even fathom at this point in your life.  You want to take a trip around the world, all first class?  Continue on…onto the money-making breakthrough.  Get our free gift before midnight tonight.

     Thanks largely to these multi-billionaire Tech Giants, science has made incredible strides over the past few decades in the field of anti-aging.  But unfortunately, we only hear about the hucksters in the cosmetic industry who peddle worthless creams and lotions for insanely big bucks.

     Real anti-aging is serious science with massive funding and dedicated scientists who are trying to crack the code to give us more life.  The richest men in the world spend large fortunes on anti-aging science.

     I’m proud to say our decades-long research project — over a hundred-million-dollar research project — has found the key. 

     Imagine when you’re ageless and wealthy, you’ll never again be bound by society’s strict rules.  No longer suffer from the fear and anxiety that grips you with each advancing year.

     Imagine the years melt away from your body and face as you regain the look of a person who’s young, strong, and sexually vibrant as you were in your 20s.  Imagine when younger people are attracted to you again, start looking at you again, start “checking you out” again.  Then imagine when young attractive people start striking up conversations with you again!  Imagine being back in the game again.  And this time, you can be a wealthy player.  (A lot of romantic power comes with a fat wallet!)

     Take a look at more gems from this massive research project that open up to you with our free gift:

  • The 3-step secret formula that makes you grow younger.
  • The 4 ‘hidden’ benefits of never growing old that you never thought of (but will give you goose bumps!).
  • A new, totally outside-the-box, foolproof money-making system for the longer life! (Needed to live twice as long!)  
  • What financial freedom really is and what it means for your long and prosperous future…for your longer, exciting life!
  • The new big-picture, big-life way of thinking helps you easily outsmart and outcompete your narrow-minded peers at anything: money, promotions, and romance.
  • Banish boredom, stagnation, and failure from your life — in seconds…forever. Get set for your long and exhilarating, creation-driven, success-filled future.  Permanently reverse the depressing, declining trends of aging!

     Here’s the best part.  There’s nothing complicated about the breakthrough.  No regimen to follow.  The real beauty is it’s so simple.

     You know what they say:  When something makes perfect sense, even a child can understand it.

     With your free gift, you’ll start along your path to cure financial depression (and romantic dissatisfaction including sexual stagnation).  You have to in order to live far beyond your life expectancy!  It’s all connected…it’s like Einstein’s Unified Field Theory here on Earth.  It’s all connected.

     You see, everything is related.  When you cure aging, you’ll naturally need to be on the path that delivers everything you could ever want — fantastic wealth, happiness, intense romance, and fulfilling relationships.  The breakthrough fixes everything lacking in your life — money, romance, happiness — for these are absolutely needed to live on and on and on.

     When this decades-long research project hit on the wealth breakthrough, that psychologically changed everything.  The ideas and process needed to achieve our mankind-shifting goal were tested again and again, until there was no doubt in any of our minds.

     We finally broke through and achieved the impossible — the complete formula needed for much longer life along with ALL the necessary ingredients of wealth, happiness, romance, and youth.

     The life worth living for eternity.

     Join us and get your free gift today.

     Scientists have been putting the brakes on aging for years.  We’re expected to live longer than our parents. Our kids will live longer than us.

     Just keeping up with the news these days shows us that we’re on the brink of medical advances that were unthinkable just a few short years ago, largely thanks to the billionaires — especially the tech giants — pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into anti-aging research.

     We have ‘nano-robotics,” tiny machines that travel inside your body that will soon perform emergency surgery without major damage to your body and for a fraction of the cost.

     We now hold the cures for diseases once considered ‘unconquerable.”  Malaria, polio, measles, smallpox are now all ‘curable’.  As a result, we are all living better and living longer.  And we have evolving cryopreservation companies such as ALCOR that preserves bodies in liquid nitrogen with the hopes to bring them back when the technology can cure most diseases including aging.  Several of the multi-billionaires are signed up with ALCOR.

     Today, anti-aging is leaps and bounds beyond face creams.  It’s real science.

     There has never been even a conception of an enduring journey that puts you on the path to profound wealth and prolonged physical youth and romantic vigor.  You get it all in this breakthrough, starting with the free gift that we will send to you by first-class mail.

     See how the richest billionaires will get immortality.  Their minds are ready for it.  They have made the mental shift (because they have boatloads of money!).  To get ready for it, you too have to change the way you think, and it all begins with making boatloads of money!  It’s nothing more complicated. 

     We don’t have to learn difficult new concepts.  We have to make money — lots of it, just as your free gift reveals to you.   

     The great thing is, as soon as you see your free gift, you’ll know in your gut that this wealth-secret breakthrough is the answer!

     Consider perhaps the most famous spot in advertising history, the debut of Apple Computers.

     The commercial was called 1984, after George Orwell’s novel.  A young woman runs with a javelin toward a giant TV screen where a man talks about conformity.  She fires it and the screen explodes.

     The commercial was about destroying the status quo.  In Apple’s case, it was a direct hit at the monopoly of IBM.  As a result of this one commercial, the world of computers was never the same again.

     The ad was followed up with the campaign Think Different.  It featured Muhammad Ali, Pablo Picasso, Albert Einstein, and a who’s who of people who changed the world because they dared to ‘Think Different.’

     These ads echoed our realizations that to achieve the impossible, you had to think different.  Our research project had already developed a new way of beyond-the-box thinking: puzzle-building integrated thinking.

     Let me give you a real-life example of “think different”:

     Our idea (the late David Jin and myself) was to build a horseshoe-shaped glass bridge over the edge of the Grand Canyon 4000 feet up!  It had never been thought of before, much less attempted.  Before I go on, let me state for the record that this was David’s idea initially and “his baby”, which I believed in and “adopted” as my own.

     At first, the so-called ‘experts’ laughed at the idea, saying it could never be done.  As I said before, it’s impossible until someone actually does it.

     David and I would “think different”, using puzzle-building integrated thinking, and soon we had the solutions in our minds that nobody had ever thought of before.  In 2007, we opened the Grand Canyon Skywalk to thousands of amazed skywalkers.  And by the way, wealth follows creativity.  In other words, wealth follows “think different”.

The Impossible Is Now Possible…

     This anti-aging research project used the same technique to develop the never-before-thought-of cure for aging and along with it, the one true, proven concept that will wipe out personal poverty.  These things are connected and have to be cured in order to sustain substantially longer life.  …As Einstein knew, it’s all connected so the aging cure could not happen before our powerful financial cure.  They had to happen together.

     This breakthrough way of thinking differently and this connectivity led me to a pair of extraordinary insights:

   1) The underlying reason why nearly every job stops our ability to create, which blocks our wealth and guarantees stagnation and depression…not viable when doubling life expectancy.  Instead, our jobs must become our engines of creation and wealth and happiness as taught in your free gift.

   2) Our inborn ability to create is the rapid path to wealth, exhilaration and happiness…necessary when doubling life expectancy.  Our creativity is now being suppressed but must instead be unleashed as taught in your free gift.

     Those two insights guided me and my team.  After several years of searching, we broke through.  Our ground-breaking “open ended” jobs of creation lead to wealth generation and abiding happiness needed to kick off the cure to aging.  (To step into that creative, wealthy life, be sure to send in for your free gift before midnight.)

     The breakthrough presented in your free gift is the first attempt to ‘go public’ with the results of the four-decade, hundred-million-dollar breakthrough of “great personal wealth cures aging.”  This could possibly be the greatest breakthrough in the history of mankind.  It is too highly-guarded to put on the Internet and instead must be mailed to you.  The knowledge in your free gift will benefit you (and eventually everyone on the planet) with a major personal-wealth leap.  Sign up for your free gift below.  Submit your mailing address before midnight tonight, and then watch for your oversized red-and-blue bordered envelope in your mailbox within the next couple of days — it contains your free gift.  Sign up before this limited offer expires:

Offer Expires Midnight Tonight

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